What is a Platinum Member?
Being a Platinum Partner has many advantages! To understand those benefits, it is necessary to first explain what it means to be a Platinum Partner with CE Broker for Business. The Platinum Partnership allows you to provide your members with free access to a Professional Account with CE Broker for Business at a discounted rate of $12/year.
Offering a free Professional Account with CE Broker enhances your membership benefits. Showing your members that you are working to make their renewal process and CE tracking easier will evoke appreciation from your members and ultimately drive memberships for your Association/Society!
Why is it Important for Members to Have a Professional Account?
With a Professional Account, users have access to their CE compliance transcript. This transcript is the quickest way to know what requirements are needed, what credits have been posted, and what is still needing to be completed. Its an easy breakdown of all of the Board’s laws and rules– personalized for each user by profession. Email notifications are sent to users to alert them of all credits posted and for reminders when their renewal date is approaching. The Digital Storage feature provides an on-line filing cabinet where licensees can store certificates of completion. With these tools, continuing education becomes an effortless process and license renewal is a breeze!
How Do I Become a Platinum Member?
Becoming a Platinum Member is simple. In the partnership, CE Broker for Business will provide your Association/Society with a discount of $12 per member per year (normal price of $29 per member per year). We will promote the agreement across social media and email membership information to all licensees within your desired profession.
To learn more or become a Platinum Member, you can contact our CEB for Business Account Manager, Karen Hohman, via phone at 904.726.4244 via email at khohman@cebroker.com.
Are there lots of Platinum Members?
Yes! We have partnered with Associations and Societies all over Florida. We are proud that so many groups are wanting to offer their members a free Professional Account and look forward to continuing this longstanding partnership. Here is a list of our current Platinum Partners: