Continuing education audits are conducted to verify that licensed/certified professionals have maintained the continuing education or competency requirements set by their regulating entity. Continuing education is a key element of professional development and serves as a mechanism to protect the public by ensuring that skills and knowledge are up to date. Continuing education (CE) audits ensure public safety by ensuring licensed professionals are competent throughout their careers.
The majority of audits are conducted post-renewal, where a regulatory entity randomly selects a group of professionals to verify whether they met their CE requirements after they have submitted the application to renew their professional license. The randomly selected individuals are instructed to provide proof that they have met each of their requirements to the regulating entity within a set timeframe.
When should a selected professional respond to an audit notification?
It’s best practice to respond to audits as soon as possible. Most regulating entities will assign a specific timeframe for an audit to be completed.
What should an audited professional provide to the regulating entity?
Typically, an audited professional will be asked to submit copies of CE completion certificates. The certificate should include the following:
- Name and license/certification number of the individual
- Name of the educational provider
- How the education provider is accredited
- Name of the completed course
- Completion date
- Number of completed hours
How long should a professional maintain their documentation?
While each regulating entity has differing rules on how long a licensed professional should keep CE certificates, a minimum of four to six years is common. If selected for audit, certificates of completion are required. Maintaining copies of CE certificates can be challenging. Solutions like a Continuing Education Management System can support professionals by storing a backup of electronic credentials that can be accessed when needed.
About CE Broker
CE Broker is a continuing education tracking and management system. Its best-in-class software connects licensing boards, education providers, and licensed professionals in one easy-to-use platform designed to increase compliance rates, streamline administrative complexity and encourage professional development.
Visit CE Broker to learn more about our continuing education tracking and management system.